An Invocation and Benediction


A Morning Psalm: Adapted from Psalm 96

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.  Sing to the Lord, praise His name.  Yes, as the morning sun rises, we sing:


We will proclaim His salvation day after day.  We will declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples, His faithfulness through the ages.   With a mighty voice we sing:


We recall the mercies of God that have sustained us through the night and are alive in this moment.  Our hearts rejoice as we sing:


Creator God, disperse the shadows and awaken us to the new light of day.  Stir slumbering hearts and comfort the weary.  Our hands stretch out to You again as we sing:


We recall Your provision in our lives and ask again that You would be our bread and water.  Steady our feet, quicken our steps, and ready our hands for the journey ahead.  Lord, draw near to the faint of heart as we sing:


Heavenly Father, continue to embrace Your children.
Risen King, rule with justice and favor in our world. 
Holy Spirit, cover us afresh like the morning dew.

We sing aloud with great acclamation,



Responsive Reading: An Artist’s Prayer

Sovereign God, Living King, Holy Spirit,
We commit our life and our work to You again. 

We acknowledge Your creative work in our world and in our midst. 
We commit our life and our work to You again. 

We invite Your continual creative work into our world and into our midst.
We commit our life and our work to You again. 

You Who spoke words of order into the chaos of the cosmos, speak order into our lives. 
We commit our life and our work to You again. 

We desire to be listening servants for any hints that redemption has come, and will come in its fullness. 
We commit our life and our work to You again. 

We desire to be willing participants in Your plan of healing in our world.
We commit our life and our work to You again. 
Let your Kingdom come and let Your New Creation be alive in us and in the work of our hands. 
We commit our life and our work to You again. 


 © Erika Kobewka
